5 Side Hustles to Earn Money (Video)

I created a video version of my post from a few days ago. Watch the video here or on YouTube:

More and more people are starting side hustles to earn income in addition to their 9-5 jobs. According to a Forbes article from 2020, 57 million Americans freelanced part-time or full-time, which is 35% of the total workforce (see Forbes article here: shorturl.at/optPU).

1) Freelancing for extra income

Thanks to the Internet, it’s easier to freelance than ever before. If you have skills such as online marketing, graphics design, programming, bookkeeping services, video editing, playing an instrument, etc. your skills are in demand. With websites such as Fiverr and Upwork, anyone can offer their skills and get paid to work on projects they choose on their free time. The pandemic has caused more people to look to the Internet for services, so it’s easier than ever for freelancers to find work.

2) Start a blog

Starting a blog is often free or has minimal costs (i.e. WordPress). You can blog about whatever you are passionate about, such as food, travel, tech, lifestyle, etc. Once you attract an audience to your blog, you can earn money through affiliate marketing or selling other services, products, or online courses.

3) Rent out your spare room on AirBnB

This is another popular side hustle to earn extra income if you have an extra room in your house or apartment. Now that pandemic restrictions are starting to relax, people want to travel again and AirBnB will be in demand. When I went to France a few years ago, I stayed at several AirBnBs and it was an awesome experience.

4) Create an online course

Since I really enjoy teaching this has been a dream come true. I’ve created 8 online courses so far on topics such as accounting, bookkeeping, investing, and time management. This has provided a nice source of passive income for me.

5) Start a YouTube channel

Starting a YouTube channel is free and once you have an audience you can collect YouTube ad revenue. You can also branch out into many other income streams using your YouTube channel such as sponsorships, affiliate marketing, selling products (i.e. your branded T-shirts), etc.

Are you currently doing a side hustle to earn extra money? Are you considering starting a side hustle? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

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